Our mission

Our Mission

What happened?

On October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists attacked villages in the south of Israel and abducted over two hundred men, women, and children, dragging them from their homes and tearing them out of the arms of their loved ones.

Who was kidnapped?

Parents and grandparents, children, spouses, siblings and friends are missing and their  families and friends fear for their safety. Hamas has not revealed the identities, locations or medical condition of those they are holding. Many need life-saving medications. The kidnapped are mostly women. They include the elderly, disabled and even babies. Amongst those missing and presumed abducted are nationals of the US, Germany, Britain, Mexico, Brazil, Nepal, and Thailand.

What are we doing?

Bring Our People Home is launching separate campaigns for each of the abductees, building on whatever connections we can make to good people worldwide who can press for their release.

How are donations used?

All donations are used directly to raise awareness of the kidnapped individuals and to support them and their families. Our organization is a non-profit and all donations are tax exempt in the US and Israel.

Who are we?

This is a grassroots effort started by Mooly Sagiv and led by a team of twenty volunteers and guided by an international steering committee:

Steering Committee

Boaz Barak

Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science, Harvard University

Shafi Goldwasser

Professor, UC Berkeley and Turing Award Laureate

Daniel Jackson

Professor of Computer Science, Associate Director of CSAIL, MIT

Yossi Klafter

Former President, Tel Aviv University

Mooly Sagiv

Professor of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University


Prof. Liat Hamama ​

Social Worker, Head of the Clinical Social Work with Children and Adolescents Track, School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dr. Shulamit Geller, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer, Clinical Psychologist. Chair, Graduate program in Clinical Psychology The Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo

Rakefet Keret Karavani

Group Facilitator

Translators & editors

Elana Spector-Cohen

Head of English Programs, Division of Languages, Tel Aviv University

Aliza Klieman-Marriott

Manager of the Israel offices of architect Moshe Safdie. Master’s degree in communications from Hebrew University and an advanced degree in Museum Studies from Tel-Aviv University. Qualified mediator, certified by the Israel Bar Association.

Yossi Zoaretz

Ayellet Shemer Zoaretz

English Teacher

Einat Klefter


Sarit Voskoboynik